How to Implement the NAISMA Mapping Data Standards

How to Implement the NAISMA Mapping Standards Short Course

The North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) Mapping Standards short course, titled How to Implement the Mapping Standards, is an asynchronous, professional, online short course that was created to provide you with the information necessary to implement the mapping data standards within your invasive species program. Experts from NAISMA have created this content just for you!

This asynchronous course consists of six sequenced video presentations, along with supplemental materials for in-depth learning and assessment. It takes approximately 90 minutes to complete this online short course.This class was developed by professionals with real world experience managing invasive species.

The learning segments included in Mapping Standards course are: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Glossary
  3. Required Mapping Fields
  4. Optional Mapping Fields
  5. Creating an Excel Spreadsheet
  6. Summary

All individuals are expected to watch each video in its entirety and in sequence. Participants must complete a short quiz after each video to proceed to the next. A 70% or better is required to pass each quiz. Participants can go back and re-watch videos, as needed. 

After completing this course, participants will understand:

  • the history of the NAISMA mapping standards
  • the importance of following the standards
  • the definitions of terms used in the standards
  • what fields are required or not required and why
  • how to set up a simple database to record data according to the standard
  • how the standard and data fit into a larger invasive species management program

This course is designed specifically for individuals that are interested in learning more about mapping invasive species, and for those that are already actively documenting, mapping, or monitoring invasive plants, animals, biological controls, or pathogens. 

This class is open to anyone and there are no prerequisites.

A certificate from NAISMA will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Course Details

Welcome to the NAISMA Online Mapping Standards Training!
Mapping Standards
Introduction Lesson
Intro Quiz
Glossary Lesson
Glossary Quiz
Required Mapping Fields
Required Mapping Fields Lesson
Required Mapping Fields Quiz
Optional Mapping Fields
Optional Mapping Fields Lesson
Optional Mapping Fields Quiz
How to Create an Excel Spreadsheet
How to Create an Excel Spreadsheet Lesson
Summary Lesson
Summary Quiz
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