NAISMA Certified Weed Free Products Program Online Inspector Training. This training will give you the necessary skills to meet the NAISMA Minimum Standards for Weed Free Products. There are six total training modules included in the certification training:

  1. Module 1 - Program Overview
  2. Module 2 - Forage
  3. Module 3 - Gravel
  4. Module 4 - Mulch
  5. Module 5 - Compost
  6. Module 6 - Weed Identification

All individuals are expected to complete all six modules. You must complete a quiz after each module to proceed to the next module. A minimum 75% pass rate is expected for successful completion of each quiz. 

When you have successfully completed the required course modules, you will receive a confirmation email of successful completion. An official Certificate of Completion from NAISMA will be emailed to you upon completion of the training.

Welcome and Directions
Welcome and Directions
1) Introduction and MOU
Introduction and MOU
Weed Free Introduction and MOU Quiz
2) Weed Free Forage
Weed Free Forage Video
Weed Free Forage Twine
Weed Free Forage Minimum Standards
Weed Free Forage Inspection Form
Weed Free Forage Quiz
3) Weed Free Gravel
Weed Free Gravel Video
Weed Free Gravel Inspection Form
Weed Free Gravel Inspection Minimum Standards
Weed Free Gravel Quiz
4) Weed Free Mulch
Weed Free Mulch Video
NAISMA Weed Free Mulch Training Slides
Weed Free Mulch Inspection Form
Weed Free Mulch Minimum Standards
Weed Free Mulch Quiz
5) Weed Free Compost
Weed Free Compost Video
Weed Free Compost Standards
Weed Free Compost Form
Weed Free Compost Quiz
6) Weed Identification
Weed Identification Video
Weed Identification Quiz
7) Conclusion

Course Details

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