The Terrestrial Invasive Plant (TIP) Management Certificate Course is an asynchronous, professional, online course that was created to provide you with a well-rounded foundation in terrestrial invasive plant or noxious weed management. Experts from the North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) have carefully curated this content just for you!

This asynchronous course consists of sequenced video presentations, along with supplemental materials for in-depth learning and assessment. The majority of the TIP video lessons are original content developed by NAISMA experts exclusively for this course. The new content is supplemented with case studies and presentations from NAISMA’s webinar library and past conference presentations that can only be seen inside of TIP. 

All individuals are expected to move in order through each TIP lesson or assessment by reading the information, watching each video in its entirety, and exploring the supplemental learning options (e.g. reading publications, conducting activities, or reviewing websites). Participants can go back and re-watch videos, as needed.  

This course is designed specifically for individuals that are interested in learning the foundational aspects of terrestrial invasive plant or noxious weed management and was developed by weed managers with real world experience managing invasive plants. 

It is strongly recommended that people take the The Foundations of Invasive Species Management Certificate Course prior to taking this Terrestrial Invasive Plant Management Certificate Course. However, this class is open to anyone and there are no prerequisites.

Welcome and Instructions
Welcome and Instructions
Introduction to Invasive Species
Invasive Species - The Basics
Introduction to Invasive Species
Common Names Matter
Be Safe!
Quiz - Introduction
Weed Science
Weed Biology and Ecology
Weed Science - Part 1
Weed Science - Part 2
Quiz - Weed Science
Spread and Distribution of Invasive Plants
The Process of Biological Invasions
Quiz - Stages of Biological Invasions
Species Identification
Resources for Species Identification
WFP Prohibited Noxious Weed List
Invasive Knapweeds
Invasive Thistles
Amur honeysuckle, Oriental bittersweet, and Autumn olive
Oriental bittersweet
Beach Vitex
Common Reed Phragmites
Congon grass
Hoary Cress or Whitetop
Leafy Spurge
Myrtle Spurge
Salt Cedar
Scotch Broom
Tansy Ragwort
Yellow Toadflax
Weeds Near You!
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
USGS Site Prioritization Tool
Quiz - Risk Assessment
Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR)
Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR)
Case Study: Success of the EDRR Method in Teton County, Wyoming
Case Study: Washington's Interagency First Detector Collaboration
Quiz - EDRR
Weed Mapping
GPS and GIS Basics
Quiz - GPS and GIS
How to Implement the NAISMA Mapping Standards
Aerial Surveys and Remote Sensing
Case Study: Mapping Techniques for Ventenata Detection in Montana
Quiz - Mapping
Controlling Noxious Weeds
Manual, Physical, and Mechanical Control Methods
Quiz - Manual, Physical, and Mechanical Control Methods
Cultural Control
Quiz - Cultural Control
Biological Control
Quiz - Biological Control
Targeted Grazing
Quiz - Targeted Grazing
Chemical Control: Best Management Practices for Pesticide Applicators
Quiz - Chemical Control: Best Management Practices for Pesticide Applicators
Treatment of Woody Invasive Species in the U.S.
Quiz - Treatment of Woody Invasive Species in the U.S.
Citizen Science
Crowdsourcing to Citizen Science Reserach Projects
Quiz - Citizen Science
Working with Volunteers
Managing Volunteers for Invasive Species
Planning Invasive Species Events
Quiz - Volunteers
Cross Jurisdictional Management
Jackson Hole Cooperative Weed Management Area
The Certified Weed Free Products (WFP) Program
Restoration for Managing Invasive Plants
Quiz - Restoration for Managing Invasive Plants
Erosion Control - Revegetation and Noxious Weed Issues
Quiz - Erosion Control
Climate Change
Supporting the Inclusion of Invasive Species in Climate Change Legislation, Policy, Management, and Research
Climate Change Effects on Weed and Management
Quiz - Climate Change
Your opinion matters!

Course Details

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